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Vagina Biome Study

Updated: Jun 9

An image representing a microbiome study focused on women's reproductive health. The image should include elements symbolizing microbiome analysis

Vagina Biome Study

The BiomeFx microbiome study was focused on 4 study candidates with varying imbalances in their reproductive organs, from pain and discomfort to irregular cycles. The ladies included in the Vagina Biome Study were of different nationalities and activity levels, from sedentary to an athlete, and included pre, peri, and post-menopausal. In addition, none of these women had ever used Carbon-60 prior to performing their baseline test. The testing included 15 days of nightly application of Greska’s C-60 both orally (2/3 ml) and intravaginally (1 ml).

Note: no other changes to diet or lifestyle were made during the test duration.

Lactobacillus is the predominating protective bacterial species in a woman’s vagina. When this is out of balance, this can lead to other more opportunistic species of bacteria and fungi populating the terrain. This can be seen clearly with the whole genome sequencing provided by the testing. 

What is truly profound

Greska’s Carbon-60; showed anti-inflammatory benefits that appeared to have allowed the microbiome to create beneficial shifts.

Before the application of C-60, the levels of the lactobacillus in some cases were so low their presence was “non-detectable.” Post-testing (after Carbon 60) demonstrated lactobacillus started to proliferate in the vagina.


15 days of nightly application of Greska’s C-60 both orally (2/3 ml) and intravaginally (1 ml). Note: no other changes to diet or lifestyle were made during the test duration.


Symptom reductions were noted by each participant.

Utilizing Greska’s Carbon-60 for managing vaginal microbiome imbalances appears to be promising. Carbon 60 showed beneficial shifts in the vagina’s protective Lactobacillus bacteria.

Tests were conducted using: 

BiomeFx CosmosID 

Testing performed by:

WHOLEistic Lyfe


Alyssa Blue, FDNP

Sarasota, Florida



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